
pequeños placeres

hacía tiempo que no bostezaba tan a gusto...

hacía tiempo que un bostezo no me recordaba deliciosas horas de falta de sueño.

4 comentarios:

Joan Torres dijo...

Veo que sigues al pie del cañón...

Madame Vaudeville (Chus Álvarez) dijo...

Vuelva, dulce Lyr...

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
Anónimo dijo...


I wanted to share with you a very unique site I just came across teaching [url=http://www.kravmagabootcamp.com][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] Online If you guys have seen the Discovery Channel TV Show called Fight Quest you would have seen their chief instructor Ran Nakash there featured on their [url=http://www.kravmagabootcamp.com][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] episode. Anyways, let me know what you think. Is training via the internet something you would do?

